Friday, February 29, 2008

two chairs over.

I had to get my blood drawn today. So as any person would do I went to the doctor's office, was immediately directed to the labratory where I registered, and then proceeded to find a place to sit down and wait. I looked around and found a chair to sit in- exactly one seat away from the nearest person. Everyone else had strategically placed themselves separated from the next person by one chair as well.

I laughed to myself as I thought- we live in a one chair world now don't we? And then I thought- how long will we continue to separate ourselves by one chair? Keeping people at a distance by one lie, or one excuse, or one chair? How long will we keep God at a distance by refusing to give up a day, or a minute, or even a few seconds?

Do we live in a world where we desire personal comfort over companionship? Are we so concerned with the things in our day or consumed by our thoughts to recognize the needs of a stranger? Will we ever allow ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to reach the person sitting two chairs over?

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