Tuesday, February 19, 2008

he is certainly greater than you, the clay

We all live in a world where fantasy is most often defeated by reality. Too bad, eh?

"And so the Lord says,
'These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips,
But their hearts are far from me.
And their worship of me
is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.'"

"What sorrow awaits those who try to hide their
plans from the Lord,
who do their evil deeds in the dark!
'The Lord can't see us,' they say.
'He doesn't know what's going on!'
How foolish can you be?
He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater
than you, the clay!
Should the created thing say of the one who
made it,"He didn't make me"?
Does a jar ever say,
"The potter who made me is stupid"? [Isaiah 29:13 & 29:15-16]

Somedays, I feel like my worship is nothing more than words leaving my mouth or thoughts streaming through my head. And somedays I truly feel like I'm connecting with God in a way I've never met with him before. And somedays, I really do mean the words I'm saying or I rejoice in the thoughts I have about God but I don't feel like God's present. Even so, I know my worship is more than rules made by man. I know I've been drawing near to God with words that please him, worship him, honor him and so much more. I'm not trying to hide anything from him. I'm not trying to tell him I know how to do it. I'm not trying to change his plans to fit my plans. In fact- all I am trying to do is find out what his plan is so I can change mine. For the Potter truly is greater than the clay.

You see- I delight in God. My Father. My Saviour. And I want him to know that. Just as he wants me to know- and you to know- that he delights in you. He delights in every aspect of your life. For as a potter delights in creating a new vase or a new jar- Yahweh delights in changing you-molding you to be like him. He delights in us. Crazy. But true.

Take some time to delight in God today- don't tell him he's a stupid potter- instead allow him to create something new in your heart.

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